How to Find the Best Clear Aligner in 2023

Are you looking for invisible braces but don’t know the best brand? Have you read many different comparison posts yet worried they’re just paid promotions? Fret no more. I know how you feel, and I’m here to help.

Naturally, we want to be extra careful and make the right choices regarding our health. I could write 10 articles about the top clear aligners and the best invisible braces options, but I won’t because that’s not what you need.

Instead, I will share some of my insider knowledge as a dentist and leave you with five essential tips. Scroll along!

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Even if you skip the other four tips below, don’t skip this one. No matter how tempting an aligner package is if it isn’t guaranteed to be monitored by a qualified dentist or orthodontist, then DON’T TAKE IT.

With monitoring, I mean that you are under the professional care of a trained dentist or orthodontist, from start to finish, not just in the first phase of your treatment (scan and x-ray). Your dentist or orthodontist should communicate with you directly; before, during, and after.

Don’t rely on a ‘better value for money’ system that bypasses the ‘middleman.’ It’s like trying to drive a car with flat tires. It might get you where you want or else end in disaster. A clear aligner is worked based on a pre-planned program which simulates your teeth movement and predicts a possible outcome. But no company can guarantee that your teeth movement will turn out 100% as planned. After all, our body is unique, and not one body is like the other. The same is with teeth.

A professional dentist can pick up any early signs of poor tracking, and you don’t have to waste your time and money to fix your aligner later. Also, any kind of treatment that involves changing the positioning of your teeth carries certain risks and causes complications. So proper check and follow-up appointments at your dental practice is not a waste of your time or money, but exactly the opposite.

Admittedly, there’s no guarantee that the clear aligner fitted by your dentist is the best state-of-the-art brand. Still, the world’s best aligner money can buy is useless without proper dental care and consultation.

Remember: The best clear aligner in Malaysia you can get is offered by your dentist or orthodontist.

Predicted Treatment Outcome & Refinement Plan

The beauty of this clear aligner business is that you can begin with the end in mind. Before you start with the teeth alignment, the system generates a predicted result. This is a great communication tool for you and your dentist. You can sit and talk about what you expect from the treatment.

It can happen that the result didn't turn out as planned, mostly because of inadequate wearing time, incorrect wearing method, adverse effect of teeth movement or the anatomical shape of teeth. Then extra force is needed to achieve the wanted result. Knowing the probable success rate helps you to make a better decision.

You might need an additional aligner and continue with the treatment. This will incur a further cost, so be aware of this. Some companies include free refinement in their package.

You can get any changed tooth position fixed for free, provided you keep it within a certain period. That’s a good policy.

woman smile in front of mirror

Understand the Complexity of Your Teeth Alignment

There are so many brands available in Malaysia, but the prices vary a lot. The brand choice often depends on what kind of teeth alignment you need. Some brands are best for mild or moderate cases, bringing great results in simple cases such as braces relapse. If you have worn braces before, you will probably only need a mild alignment.

Other brands are best for complicated cases. Before you choose, talk to your dentist and determine whether your expectations are realistic and achievable. If you have problems with the bite on the back teeth, chances are that the treatment will be more complex and will need more planning. Once your case is clear, you can decide which brand offers what you need.

Get to Know the Provider & the Technology

Once you know your situation, the next step is to learn more about the provider and the technology involved. Choosing a brand that has been in the market for at least 3 years is best, not a brand-new one. It usually takes 2 years to complete a braces treatment, and you probably don’t want to be part of the first experimental batch.

A more experienced company is no longer on the learning curve and has a track record. They know what works best and also have enough data to minimize errors. Before you decide which invisible aligner is the one for you, research the company.

Find out how many years they have in business, how many cases they have completed, and what modifications they have made. It’s better to make a smart choice early rather than trying to make up for a bad choice that completely failed.


Finally, we come to the most important part of the decision tree: What will it cost me? Before going into money matters, there’s one bit of advice from me as a dentist. You only have one set of teeth.

Remember that.

Fixing your teeth always involves certain risks and possible complications along the way. As a dentist, I always remind my patients to weigh all their options. If your planned treatment costs exceed your budget, why not wait rather than go for something cheap?

Choosing the best clear aligner option can be quite stressful, and that’s true. It involves too many technical terms and far too much information to absorb.


So, take your time and don’t rush your decision. Go for an appointment with your dentist and see where it takes you. Don’t try to snatch a quick bargain today. Feel free to use the checklist above. In the meantime, just lean back, relax, and picture your perfect smile.


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